Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Is the Rapture happening now, signs from the matrix: A process not an event
Let me define the rapture, it is the removal of the wheat and the chaff as well as the removal of original sin through the divine union of the Christ and Magdalene. Both process accelerate the ascension process or the separation of worlds, like two overlapping holograms with one receding and the other growing brighter, eventually leading to thing like Age Reversal.
Ib took a picture yesterday in Sheeps meadow that is very similar to the full page spread described below.
In the New York Post Aug 30th, 2016,
on page 22 and 23, there is a full page spread comparing old york to New York,a series of side by side images or mirror opposites. There is radio city and Union square. On page 23, there is Trinity church on the top, the brooklyn Bridge and Washington Square Park, which is another connection to a different NY Post paper that I will get to in a minute. In the middle is virtually the same shot of the picture above except taken from a distance over the lake.
What is the significance? Moving into the New world, with the origin point trinity church, a bridge the brooklyn bridge, connecting the two worlds and the Washington Square Arch.
On the back cover of the NY Post on Friday August 26th is the headline Arch De Triumph. Reference to a trump victory, but more from a secret society point of view. Above that it says, Mets Keep gateway open to playoffs, by taking two of three from Cards. The Mets represent the New World while the Yankees the established order. The Mets colors are the royal blue and can be associated with the French Cathars against the Cardinals of the Vatican. The mets home is in Queens again signifying Mary Magdalene.. On Saturday,the back of the post has the title in all color, Super Sports Saturday. Now Saturday is Saturn, or Satan or cronos the ruler of time. The color signifies heaven or the new world above time with the restoration of the correct female-male balance. The player in the center is ecstatic with his arms in the shape of the trinity, signifying the merger of the mind into the heart.
The title below is a big give away Flor' it, reference a car accelerating because the victory is in sight and also the Fleur di lis,again a reference to Magdalene and the cathars. The celebrating George Washington inauguration, this is similar to the Arch De Triomphe in Paris celebrating the French Revolution.
Ok, if this was just one coincidence, I wouldn't bother posting, but what is happening is that I am getting multiple symbols from the matrix every day that we are already moving into the 1000 year millenium of Christ, which I believe to be the re-installation of the American Republic along with sound money.
I don't believe in flying up in the air, makes no sense at all. Life is an organic process, where we build through a series of c cycles which are caused by the concept known as Original Sin. I talked about it briefly in my last post, but what I didn't get into is what happened after Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden. The rape of the human females by the Fallen Angels. This trauma was so great that it is the source of the anchor of repeating cycles of rise and fall of empires, rooted in the trojan horse found in women that triggers the battle between men and women. Essentially, we make some progress, but inevitably it collapses, then there a war, followed by the rape of the women by the invading army.
This is traditionally how we paid off our debts. For the first time in history we are attempting to reset the banking system without an extensive war. How are we able to do this, because we are finally at the point in the dynamic between Men and women, that we are going to be able to root out original sin. Why is original sin so difficult to remove, because pain has been linked to pleasure, when the woman reaches the point of extreme orgasmic pleasure over and extended period of time, what typically happens is the fear of the rape by the fallen angels, this fear is so great that the woman will do anything to break the connection with the man. This will only happen though in soul mate type relationships, which is why so many people just avoid them in the first place and settle for compromises.
So we have two problems finding the right kind of mate that can take us over the edge and then actually doing it without the relationship blowing up. This requires the male to be an expert in inter-personal relationships and have the awareness when to back off. But one major sign that I first heard about was the concept of orgasmic birthing. Apparently there have been a few cases, where women have had an orgasm rather than pain during childbirth. What does the bible say.
Genesis 3:16 To the woman He said, "I will greatly multiply Your pain in childbirth, In pain you will bring forth children; Yet your desire will be for your husband, And he will rule over you."
I like archetypes though like a famous person as a signpost, God typically uses them for the plot-line of the film. Enter Alicia Silverstone who burst onto the scene as an instant sexpot in the movie clueless. When I first read the article years ago, I did not realize that the whole birth process was not pleasurable only half of it, which is interesting too. Alicia Silverstone had a 27hr labour of which she described the first 14 hours as sexy.
The actress opened up about giving birth during an appearance on Live! with Kelly and Michael this week, and her description of her 27-hour labor may just surprise you.
“The first 14 hours was almost sexy,” insists Alicia, 37, who welcomed son Bear Blu in 2011. “The oxytocin was doing all this magic and felt amazing.”
The last half not so much. So let's examine what her name means. Silver, well we are mostly like going back to sound money that will include silver. Silver is the achille's heel of the cabal that could crash the financial system which is why they have so tightly rigged the gold and silver markets. Christ betrayal was purchased for 30 pieces of Silver which was the cost of a slave. Stone, well that could be the cornerstone, a reference to building a new house, church or new world. silver is a metal so it has the makings of a sword perhaps, like a knight or King Arthur sword in the stone. Her child Bear Blu was born in 2011, so we are talking 5 years ago. Perhaps we can say that we are halfway there since half of her birth was pleasurable. Ok, what about her first name Alicia, this one is a wow, She knows. Huge sign. I was watching the first matrix film over the weekend and Neo goes from no belief to some belief, then reaches the point that he is killed. Trinity then steps in because she was giving a prophecy that she would fall in love with the one. When Neo dies, she knows that she is in love with him, so she said he can't possibly dies. Trinity then gives Neo the kiss of true love. Neo then is resurrected and now knows and he can stop the bullets with his mind and even jump into the matrix as if he is the ghost in the machine. Trinity of course, represents Mary Magdalene and Neo is the christ figure, but they do not win until they have joined as one which is what happens with the mystical marriage. Trinity name also represents the Quantum mind that operates with the universal mind, that can break the rule of the linear system.
Now there is also the connection to Trinity church down by ground zero, where George Washington was inaugurated as President. The President first home was New York City before moving to Washington DC. Trinity Church was also where the treasure of the founding fathers was buried. so there is a reference to revolution, the republic and a metal backed monetary system. The New world trade center could be significant of the two becoming one after the crucifixion. The mystical marriage of Christ and Magdalene and the removal of Original sin and the ushering in of the 1000 year reign of Christ. I could go on for perhaps the whole day, but I will leave that for another time.

What happened in the Garden between Satan and Eve? Restoring the correct Sexual function between Men and Women
Ok, this is going to drive some Christians absolutely crazy, but here goes. What is the bible? It's a movie script? There is a cipher? I am the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the end. Three parts always repeating beginning,middle,and end. Let's start in the Garden of Eden, who are the players? God, who is unlimited power. Satan the wild card or the trickster. Satan stands alone after God. He has the knowledge of Good and Evil in him, very important distinction. Then we have the angels, I am going to lump them together. Next we have Adam and Eve. Ok, God only makes the prototypes, then Adam and Eve have children, The stork brings them. How do I know the Stork brings them, because my parents told me that. Since, I don't have any kids and I have never seen a stork, I don't see any reason to change the story, it works for me.
Right, that is what you are led to believe, when they start talking about fruit and trees. This creates cognitive dissonance in our minds, because we really know where kids come from, but don't tell the kids. Ok, let's go to suicide squad and the joker, he is a good analogy for the trickster. Yes, I am going to use modern movie references to connect to the bible, because believe it or not God is not dead, you just need the eye to see the truth which most people don't. God is putting shit right in your face constantly, but you have these preconceived ideas about what is good and evil. You edit out about 90 percent of the information that would make God's story really sing. Here is the Joker and Harley Quinn in the bar from Suicide Squad. The joker is the devil and Harley Quinn is the stripper, she is an analogy for Eve is and also Mary Magdalene. They are both the same woman, because I hate to break it to you that re-incarnation exists. Yes, it is in the bible, no I am not going to quote it, you can go look it up. The key phrase from the joker is she is the fire in my loins the itch in my crotch. The seed was the fruit of Satan's loins and the tree was the cock. Is this really too difficult to grasp? Does this all of the sudden make the bible Movie congruent? Do you know why they call it spelling?
I mean is the christ story as a movie very good? Not really, he is a bit too detached and disconnected for me. Does he have a sense of humor? He takes his shit way too seriously. What's the issue here? I mean when people mock, jesus the reason, is because they don't see a real Man. Women like real men to have sex with, they will marry a beta-male as a pack mule for economic reasons, but they are always lusting after the real Man. Because that is a real Man, he has a potent cock, get it? We all know what the problem is, someone stole his Jesus cock. Maybe ISIS has it? I mean you saved the hottest slut of all time and she actually begins to worship you as a man should be worshipped, (this is called foreshadowing the end of the story), like on her knees right in front of you and you are not going to hit that? I totally lose respect for the guy. Do you see the problem here? This is how we act in real life, then we walk into church and act like we think God wants us to act, rather than just being the same guy. Obviously, there is the problem with the bible story, if we have to so radically alter our behavior, when entering the Church. The problem is that you are using an imac computer between your ears, rather than the cutting edge quantum computer system that you have inside of you. Christ is trying to teach you how to operate the Quantum mind, but you keep reverting back to the linear system to interpret the bible. The bible is incomplete intentionally, because until you activate the mind of Christ you will never be able to figure it out. And yes, they suppressed the gnostics teachings of Christ that are very important for the end times. No they are not evil or heretical,but they were not needed till the end of the film. How do I know, because I have the mind of Christ now, I bought it on ebay with the same vendor that has discounted indulgences.
So God whacked the cathars, but allowed them to leave with the texts to be kept alive underground in the grail myths and as fairy tales, cultivating the concept of true love. Ok, if we run with the idea that Satan had sex with Eve, then that is the original sin, then Eve had sex with Adam, that is like herpes right? Adam sin was not as great as Eve, because of the lack of the brand from satan which created ownership of Eve by Satan. The sin is a sexual sin, but it is between an Angel and a Woman; not between Adam and Eve. Subtle, distinction, here that everyone misses. The Sin is between two different species. If we keep the sin as a fruit then we have created cognitive dissonance; massive doubt creeps in that prevents us from loving God with our whole heart and mind. But if I think of the sin as being sex with Satan and Eve, then the story line is congruent. I can see where God is going with this concept, because there is logic and I can trust him.
Satan creates illogic, which leads to doubt and creates an opening for him in your house. Let's use some more common sense to pound the concept home. Did God make man and a woman with a penis and a pussy? Did God put the sexual function in from the start? It appears so, because if you go down the to Genesis 3:15 to 3:16 it says "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers;... To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pangs in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you."
It says God will increase pangs in childbirth which implies there were already having sex, and kids in the Garden. So Sex was legal and there was no penalty right? In fact what actually happens during sex? It creates energy? We rub up against each other, the man is a pole that generates electricity and the woman is a magnet, so the act of sex is an electro-magnetic event. Is this a part of the energy system that sustains heaven? Sex with Adam and Eve is not sinful, before Satan got his dirty paws on Eve, because there is no demonic imprint. Would the energy increase over time as the two partners, became more intimate? Is intimacy actually intensity of the energy exchange? You like how I pose it as questions? I am putting a stop gap, against crazy linear Christians who are just itching to call me the devil. Ok, what is a cock? It is a branding implement, the man claims the woman with his stamp. From a biblical point of view marriage is ownership of the man over the woman. Why? Because a woman is fundamentally a blank slate until she has sex, remember she came from Adam's rib, not from God directly? Eve does not have the software, she can pick up software from men indirectly through say her father, but she is designed to pick it up from the man through the penis. That is why virginity is so prized in women, but not Men.
The semen is a computer code that the woman begins to express back to the man. The woman reveals the nature of the man as a reflection. The code will stay in a woman for life. So, if another man, comes along and has sex with her, he is feeling the other man's code that is already in there. The woman will be now expressing two men as opposed to one. This weakens the intimate connection, the man does not get the correct feedback about who he is, because of the interference from the other man. Do you think this would cause some problems in a relationship? In fact, if this woman has a child with Man #2, there is going to be an overlay from the first man influencing the child. We know today that DNA can be transferred from one cell to another through magnetics. So, do you also see the logic why the first born of the royal house is the heir? The first child is the purest representation of the father. Pure logic, folks that you never heard this before, if we were taught the actual mechanics of our equipment, do you think we would make better choices regarding whether we would have sex?
If a woman understood WHY she was really destroying her value by having casual sex or even sex with the boyfriend. Do you think that she would make radically better choices regarding sex? Kids today have sex, because they don't know why they shouldn't. Just telling them it is a sin and you will go to hell, is not logical, so it is dismissed by children. Kids are smart so if you tell them why, they will make better choices, it is just plain damn commonsense. We would then be driven to find the highest quality partner available and if we were really horny, then we would be motivated to get in done fast. This would drive society in a direction of improved genetics as well as increasing moral behavior. I mean, if you told the why, you would actually be taking the religion out of the bible that interferes with the genius of the Christ. The end result for society would naturally becoming more moral. However, the problem will never be really fixed until we go for the kill which is the removal of Original sin. Hence the need for the creation of the Messiah. Jesus Christ was created specifically for the purpose of freeing Eve from her prison in the underworld which is at Satan's throne and for the subsequent removal of Original Sin in Eve. Ok, we are told that Christ removed seven demons from Eve,but we are not told how. Can we figure it out? Let's look at Magdalene a bit. She is a phoenician prostitute at the Temple of Artemis. She was not a jew, just for your information. You might ask how did I know that, I looked at texts outside the bible. Now, you may say you can't do that. I say why? With a linear mind, what most christians do, is say that everything in the bible is true, which they don't actually know,, they just were told that. Since we are being told that we must believe everything in the bible is true. The mind makes the next logical choice that everything not in the bible is false. Do you see that you mind is focusing as either Yes or No? Do you understand that the gnostic has a third option, which Christians call the Holy Ghost. With the Holy Ghost then you see there are other options because you are now using the left and right halves of the brain at the same time. If you trap the logical brain into a forced choice of say yes, then the linear brain has no other option except to think that all information outside the bible is false. This is why so many rational individuals flip out, when people introduce ideas outside of the bible, even with basic factual information such as national identity, occupation and criminal record.
Again the biggest problem Christians have is that you don't have the mind of Christ. So if Mary Magdalene got the Demons through sex, would it not be logical that Christ removed them through sex? Why do you feel the need to yell at me for making a choice that seems to be the one that fits? Do you not see, you are operating exactly like the pharisees. The pharisees did not understand, because they could not follow his thought process, so as soon as he went in a different direction, they thought he was committing heresy, when in reality he was trying to expand their mental process, which is what I am doing to you now. While I am writing, I am actually perceiving how you are interpreting the information, I am actually in two places at once or even more. I know this is a very difficult concept to understand, like trying to describe images to a blind man. The idea that not only did Christ have sex with Mary Magdalene, it was actually his purpose, he was designed to remove the demonic imprint of Satan through sex. An ordinary Man simply does not have the firepower to do so. This will alter the meaning of the end of the movie, because I just introduced the real cause of the creation of the Christ.
Christ needed to free Mary Magdalene, because she is the Queen Bee, that is the one woman that is hardest to free. The problem with Original Sin, though is that women are actually a hive or collective. You can not just attempt to remove one woman, because all the demons are linked through all women as a network. So if one appears to be breaking free, the network will attack the point that is vulnerable. So, what Christ actually did with Mary Magdalene with Sex was put a block in her reducing her effect on Men, Let's say for argument sake, he reduced by 50%, her seductive powers. This why they were stoning women because the Men were so over-matched. This is the main reason there needs to be a second coming Christ. Other Men needed to be turned into real Saints to help assist in the freeing the women. In other words the removal of all sin in men, makes the man immune to seduction and can simply wait the women out until the demon starves and women begin to worship the man and reverse the false dynamic of female worship by Men. Women are designed to surrender to Men through sex, this is how the system functions correctly. So, put in this context what do you think the rapture is really referring too? Do you think Christ needs to be down here on the ground and not up in the bleachers with his personal Imax theatre watching us fools make a mess of his plan. Is he playing to win or is he just a cabal patsie giving it the good college try? Food for thought, it is better that you start to think about what I am saying rather than me lead you to the conclusion, because you then relate your personal experiences with women and connect it to the bible story. It will take some time to clear up the misconceptions.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Is the Bible the Word of God? No
Now hang on to your britches, read the whole article first before you start yelling and screaming at me about the bible not being the word of God? Then, I know you are just an idiot without any reading comprehension skills. If you have a question about what I mean, than do it a civil manner with respect.
Christ teachings, were all gnostic in nature as a result of being the living trinity, which included his marriage to Mary Magdalene. The trinity is actually a symbol for the capstone of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Yes, the all seeing eye. Did you also notice that the word trinity begins with a T? The completed trinity is the activation of the inner eye as well as the inner hearing and smell. Man goes from 5 senses 9. Man becomes a living quantum computer, think Neo, after he dies in the Matrix and is reborn by Trinity with the True Kiss of Love. Trinity finally realizes that he is the one, as a result of understanding she is in love with him. The resurrection only occurs after she knows.
In a true mystical marriage, the wife joins the husband in an unbreakable bond, the two become one. Marriages in the fallen world are not true marriages, they are a created convention to continue the bloodlines, until we are able to join in the mystical marriage. Christ came to save one person, Mary Magdalene or Eve. In achieving that act, he became the way and the truth, the living exit from the fallen world. His mission, though is not yet complete, he will come again. He has one thing that he missed.
You purpose as a follower of Christ is to become the Living word. A gnostic mind uses both sides of the brain at the same time. Christ talked in parables, because that is how is brain actually worked, it is his natural state. True information always creates an image or living reality.The true word of God is always spoken in the moment spontaneously. The Bible is not the word of God, but a shadow or echo of the word of God. Anything created in the the fallen world is a part of the fallen world, hence there is part corruption. Writing was introduced by Thoth or Hermes, the man that lived in the center of the Great Pyramid. He is a fallen angel, the trickster. Do you see the deception created by the dead word? Do we live on the flat earth or the spinning world? To break free of the trickster, you need to become the living word, take on the mind of Christ. Ultimately you need to burn the book, which creates Ash, this is the final sacrifice. This is the hidden meaning behind Palm Sunday and Ash Wednesday. To trully understand the Bible, you first need to become the living word of God. To become the living word of God, you need to go off road and see that everything is a reflection of God that is all around at all times. When you become the living word, you realize that the bible is one of the reflections of the created world. Do you know where the deception comes from? Your mind, you will always be deceived until you take on the mind of Christ.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
The Mandela Effect, Taking on the Mind Of Christ
The mind of Christ is a quantum computer that operates with 9 senses rather than 5. The real teaching of Christ were written in the gnostic tradition, he did not give you a straight answer. Why? Because Christ was bi-cameral, both sides of the brain were functioning at the same time, so the knowledge came out as a coded story that you would have to open up the other side of the brain to interpret. The holy spirit, is the third part of the mind, but it is more like a ghost in the machine, there but not there. The cat is always both alive and dead, because you are operating in the land of the dead where you actually represent life. Christ said I am not of this world, he was in this world, but not there at the same time. I really get it, I haven't had a date in years. I tend to stay alone, because no one really understands my energy fields, it took me a long time to get this. The Third eye sees the deception of the hologram. There is actually a hole in our visual perception that our minds fills in to create consistency. Same applies for inner hearing as well as smell. I actually walk around NYC now under a veil of psychological invisibility, I am there and I am not. This is a state of quantum flux. People that just operate with their mind are controlled by Satan period. The key is to open your heart, if the heart opens enough and becomes a fixed point. The mind moves into the center of the heart, your consciousness then becomes a quantum super computer. You actually pull directly from the universal mind. The answers are instant and perfect, because they have analyzed all the data.
It really is like the film lucy, limitless or the matrix. Did anyone see the blood moon that appeared out of nowhere in NYC over the world trade center and the Federal Reserve? I was just watching a video where after a crucifixion, where a blood moon just appeared spontaneously after his death. Here is the video, When Jesus was born and died, there were signs in the heavens.
What is happening is the bad people are being systematically removed, whether they die or disappear from the frequency jump. I am definetly moving out of the range of the hive that have their headphones on, buried in the Iphones. I see it as a bizarre zombie apocalypse film, I actually love it and have never felt more free in my life. The crazier it gets for the people of the mind, the stronger that I get. And I mean physically too, jumped in weight 40 lbs on the arms, you begin to see the limitations were really in the mind like Neo when he is training with Morpheus. The matrix is a wonderful film to begin to operate as a quantum computer..Neo's gift is that his brain functions faster than anyone else, but the key is the pure heart of a child which he is fundamentally innocent in the film. I never really have pushed the Ascensionenergyprogram.com but if there was ever a time to try something like this, that time is now. I will also help you walk through the process of entering into real Christ consciousness, which is a state of gnosis. Once ypu get there or begin to understand how to interpret correctly with both minds at once, life becomes really fun and the crazier it gets the more alive you feel. You will walk out the door and wonder which film will I enter today...
Kevin Courtois
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